QuadooScript Blockchain Example
The following script is based on the example presented in this video (which is the first of four in a series about blockchains using JavaScript). This example demonstrates these concepts:
- Generating random Elliptic Curve keys
- Signing and validating using Elliptic Curves
- Hashing using SHA-256
- Adding signed transactions to a pending transaction list
- Performing "work" to append new blocks of transactions to a blockchain
- Rewarding miners for cryptographically "mining" new blocks
#define PROV_RSA_FULL 1
namespace Crypto
var Module = Host.LoadQuadoo("QSCrypto.dll");
var Elliptic = Module.CreateElliptic();
var Context = Module.CreateContext(null, null, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0);
function CreateECKey ()
var oRandom = Context.GenRandom(32);
return Elliptic.CreateKey(oRandom);
function CreateTransaction (oFromKey, strToAddress, nAmount)
var oTransaction = JSONCreateObject();
oTransaction.to = strToAddress;
oTransaction.amt = nAmount;
oTransaction.from = oFromKey.Public.ToHex();
oTransaction.signature = oFromKey.Sign(TransactionDigest(oTransaction)).ToDER().ToHex();
oTransaction.from = null;
return oTransaction;
function TransactionDigest (oTransaction)
return Crypto.Module.SHA256(oTransaction.from + oTransaction.to + oTransaction.amt).GetDigest();
function ValidateTransaction (oTransaction)
var strFromAddress = oTransaction.from;
if(null == strFromAddress)
return true;
var oPublic = Crypto.Elliptic.KeyFromPublic(oTransaction.from);
return oPublic.Verify(TransactionDigest(oTransaction), oTransaction.signature);
class Block
property var TimeStamp, Transactions, PrevHash;
var m_strHash, m_nonce;
Block (oTimeStamp, aTransactions) :
PrevHash = "";
m_strHash = Rehash();
property Hash
get ()
return m_strHash;
function Rehash ()
return Crypto.Module.SHA256(PrevHash + TimeStamp.ToISO8601() + (string)Transactions + m_nonce).GetHexKey();
function Mine (nDifficulty)
var strZero = (string)stringbuilder().AppendChar('0', nDifficulty);
while(strcmpn(m_strHash, strZero))
m_strHash = Rehash();
println("Mined: " + m_strHash + ", Nonce: " + m_nonce);
function Validate ()
var cTransactions = len(Transactions);
for(int i = 0; i < cTransactions; i++)
return false;
return true;
class Blockchain
var m_aChain[];
var m_aPending = JSONCreateArray();
property var Difficulty = 3;
property var MiningReward = 10;
Blockchain ()
function CreateRootBlock ()
return new Block(Host.ParseDate("1/1/2000"), null);
function GetLatestBlock ()
return m_aChain[len(m_aChain) - 1];
function MinePending (strRewardAddress)
var oBlock = new Block(nowutc(), m_aPending);
oBlock.PrevHash = GetLatestBlock().Hash;
m_aPending = JSONCreateArray();
m_aPending.Append(CreateTransaction(null, strRewardAddress, MiningReward));
function AddTransaction (oTransaction)
if(null == oTransaction.from || null == oTransaction.to)
return false;
return true;
return false;
function GetBalance (strAddress)
int nBalance;
int cBlocks = len(m_aChain);
// The root block can always be skipped.
for(int nBlock = 1; nBlock < cBlocks; nBlock++)
var oBlock = m_aChain[nBlock];
var aTransactions = oBlock.Transactions;
var cTransactions = len(aTransactions);
for(int nTrans = 0; nTrans < cTransactions; nTrans++)
var oTrans = aTransactions[nTrans];
if(oTrans.from == strAddress)
nBalance -= oTrans.amt;
if(oTrans.to == strAddress)
nBalance += oTrans.amt;
return nBalance;
function Validate ()
var oPrev = m_aChain[0];
for(int i = 1; i < len(m_aChain); i++)
var oBlock = m_aChain[i];
if(oBlock.Hash != oBlock.Rehash())
return false;
if(oPrev.Hash != oBlock.PrevHash)
return false;
return false;
oPrev = oBlock;
return true;
function main ()
var oKey1 = Crypto.CreateECKey();
var oKey2 = Crypto.CreateECKey();
var oKey3 = Crypto.CreateECKey();
var oBlockchain = new Blockchain;
println("Valid: " + oBlockchain.Validate());
oBlockchain.AddTransaction(CreateTransaction(oKey1, oKey2.Public.ToHex(), 100));
println("Valid: " + oBlockchain.Validate());
oBlockchain.AddTransaction(CreateTransaction(oKey2, oKey1.Public.ToHex(), 100));
println("Valid: " + oBlockchain.Validate());
println("Balance for " + oKey3.Public.ToHex() + ": " + oBlockchain.GetBalance(oKey3.Public.ToHex()));